I decided to use Lee Ratzen's journal article on internet metaphors. Based on the above image, I evaluated this site accordingly.
The purpose of this article is an information research paper for a information and library studies course from Reutgers University which looks at various case studies about uses of metaphors related to the internet. Lee Ratzen's article was submitted to a peer review based site called Information Research.net, which publishes informative journal articles. Articles are only published if passed by the editors in a review. The editors decide if the papers are informative enough to warrant publishing. The information contained in the article is unbiased and the coverage of the topic is extensive and easy to comprehend.
The paper was last updated in July 2000, so is relatively current. The site is cited by 13 people in del.ici.ous and 12 people according to google scholar, which indicates the quality of the article.

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