In this task, we were asked to telnet Deakin University library and search for book written by authours with the surname Bennahum. In order to do this, I first had to establish whether or not I had a telnet client already installed on my computer. In the address bar, i typed in the following address:- telnet://library.deakin.edu.au/. Luckily for me, I was connected right away, which meant i didn't have to install a client.
Once connected, this is the screen that appeared. After choosing what type of terminal I was using, I was asked to verify my selection

Once verified, the screen above appeared, which asked me to choose how I would like to search, of course I used the Author option
Which brought up the screen above, I then typed in the name Bennahum
2 results came from that search. I typed in each selection and chose to print both to my curtin email annnnnnnddd...........................
TADAAAA, the information I had requested was sent to my curtin email inbox :) YAYYYYY for me!!!!!!
I found this task pretty straight forward. Having no idea that telnet even existed, I was impressed to know that there are other ways to find information online. And nowwwww on to the blinkies :p
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